
Volunteer & Student Policy

Any volunteers and students that come into the nursery and have contact with children on a day to day basis will not be left unattended and in sole charge of any children.

 They are there solely to learn or to assist qualified members of staff with their duties.
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Medication Policy

Parents/carers must sign a medication and calpol/paracetamol form on registering their child with Planet Kids Day Nursery.

The greatest care will be taken to see that any medication is administered according to the instructions, a signed record of all medication administered shall be made on the individual child's form. This should also signed by the parent/carer on collection of the child.

The nursery will only administer non prescribed medication for a period of 3 days, after this time medical attention should be sought.
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Equal Opportunities

Children of all cultures, religions, linguistic backgrounds and abilities are treated as individuals with equal concern, in order that they should feel equally valued within the nursery environment. All staff work to encourage each child's self esteem and respect for others.

Planet kids Day Nursery is open to all children regardless of their sex, disability, religion, nationality, ethnic or national origins.

Equal Opportunities thread through all activities and resources; we believe that all children and parents/carers should be able to use the nursery without discrimination. All equipment and activities promote non-stereotypical traditions, values and environments. We aim to promote the positive values of diverse cultural identities through anti-racist activities and resources and positive anti-sexist and anti- discriminatory values are an integral part of all activities.

When planning our activities we enable the children to explore and develop an understanding of a range of cultures and traditions, making sure that these are not all European based, but represent cultures from around the world.

Parent/carer involvement in these activities can be very helpful.

Planet Kids Day Nursery recognises that the involvement of parent/carer in the development and monitoring of our Equal Opportunities Policy is vital to its success.
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Admission Policy

It is our intention to make our nursery genuinely accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community. In order to accomplish this we will;
  • We ensure that the existence of the nursery is widely known.
  • We will display information advertising the nursery in places accessible to the general public.
  • Parents who apply for a place and pay a deposit. If there are no places available for the required start date no deposits are banked and the child's name will be placed on a waiting list. Once there is a place available it will be confirms in writing and deposits will be banked.
  • All parent/child related policies are available to parents at the nursery to view at any time.
  • We provide opportunities for parents to discuss their needs and requirements for both their children and themselves.
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Special Needs Policy

At Planet Kids Day Nursery applications from children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) will be treated no less favourably than other applicants.

Every effort will be made at our establishment to incorporate special toilets, ramps, wide doors and other practical needs within current constraints.

All staff are committed to ongoing training to improve our care and knowledge. Any external experts will be positively encouraged to give guidance and advice to staff members.

Staff and Management are aware of and are incorporating the Department for Education and Employment Code of Practice guidance on the identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs.

We are committed to working together, with Parents and outside agencies to ensure delivery of the best provision possible.
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Action will be taken under this heading if the staff team has reason to believe that there has been persistent or severe neglect of a child which results in serious impairment of the child?s health or development, including failure to thrive.
  •  The concern will be discussed with the parent/care
  • Such discussions will be recorded and the parent/carer will have access to these records.
  • If there appear to be any queries regarding the circumstances the local authority will be notified.
Should any member of staff have any concerns for the welfare of any child they will immediately inform their manager. A nursery nurses responsibilities do not include investigating the suspected abuse, however, the staff will keep accurate records of their observations and of anything said to them by the child or others in connection with the suspected abuse.

Strict confidentiality will be observed at all times.
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Arrival and Departure Policy

It is the policy of the nursery to give a warm welcome to each child on there arrival.

Parents/carers are requested to pass the care of their child to a specific member of staff who will ensure their safety. The staff member receiving the child immediately records their arrival in the daily attendance register. Any specific information should also be recorded.

If the parents request the child to be given medicine during the day, the staff member should ensure that the information is recorded on the child's individual medicine form.

If the child is not collected by the usual parent/carer at the end of the session, staff should be informed of whom will be collecting them and if unknown to the nursery a security question is to be asked of the nominated adult upon collection of the child.

On departure, the child must be immediately marked to show that the child has left the premises.
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Health & Safety Policy

Our statement of general policy is:
  • To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities.
  • To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
  • To provide and maintain a safe environment and equipment.
  • To ensure safe handling of equipment, children and substances.
  • To provide information, instruction and supervision for employees.
  • To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training.
  • To prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health.
  • To maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
  • To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.
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Smoking Policy

Planet Kids Day Nursery has a strict no smoking policy. Parents and staff are asked not to smoke in or around the immediate building.
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Fire Drill Policy

Calmly........Raise the alarm
  • Immediately evacuate the building under the guidance of the manager,
  • Senior staff to check all rooms, toilets, corners etc,
  • Using the nearest exit lead the children out,
  • Close all doors behind you,
  • The senior staff member to pick up the register,
  • Telephone the Emergency Services,
  • Dial 999 and ask for the Fire Service,
  • In a safe place clear of the building,
  • Check the children against the register,
  • Account for all adults,
  • Do not try to collect personal belongings on evacuating the building,
  • Do not attempt to go back in and fight the fire.
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Lost Child Policy

In the unlikely event of a child, going missing within the nursery the following procedure will be implemented immediately.
  • All staff present will be informed and an immediate thorough search of the nursery will be made followed by a search of the surrounding areas, ensuring that all other children remain supervised throughout.
  • A staff member will notify the Manager, whilst other staff continues searching.
  • The Manager will carry out a second search of the area.
  • If the Child is still not been accounted for the Manager will contact the police.
  • The Manager will also contact the parents of the missing child.
  • During this period, staff will be continually searching for the missing child, whilst other staff maintain normal routine as possible for the rest of the children in the Nursery.
  • The Manager will meet the police and the parent/carers.
  • The Manager will then await instructions from the police.
  • Any incidents must be recorded in writing on an incident report form.
  • OFSTED must be contacted and informed of any incidents.
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Allegations of Abuse in Settings Policy

It is the policy of the nursery to give a warm welcome to each child on there arrival.

Parents/carers are requested to pass the care of their child to a specific member of staff who will ensure their safety. The staff member receiving the child immediately records their arrival in the daily attendance register. Any specific information should also be recorded.

If the parents request the child to be given medicine during the day, the staff member should ensure that the information is recorded on the child's individual medicine form.

If the child is not collected by the usual parent/carer at the end of the session, staff should be informed of whom will be collecting them and if unknown to the nursery a security question is to be asked of the nominated adult upon collection of the child.

On departure, the child must be immediately marked to show that the child has left the premises.
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Behaviour Management Policy

At Planet Kids Day Nursery we believe that children flourish best when they know how they are expected to behave and should be free to play and learn without fear of being hurt or unfairly treated by anyone else.

We aim to provide an environment in which there is acceptable behaviour and where children learn to respect themselves, others and their environment.

  • We have a named person who has overall responsibility for issues concerning behaviour.
  • We require the named person to: keep her/himself up to date with current legislation and research and access sources of expertise on handling children's behaviour, this can be accessed through local LEA.
  • We require all staff, volunteers and students to provide a positive model of behaviour by treating children, parents and one another with friendliness, care and courtesy.
  • We require all staff, students and volunteers to use positive strategies for handling and conflict by helping children find solutions in ways which are appropriate for the children's age and stage of development i.e distraction, praise and reward.
  • We praise and endorse desirable behaviour such as kindness and willingness to share.
  • We avoid creating situations in which children receive adult attention only in return for undesirable behaviour.
  • We recognise that codes for interacting with others may vary between cultures and require staff to be aware of - and respect - those used by members of the nursery.
  • We never send children out of the room by themselves.
  • We never use physical punishment, such as smacking or shaking. Children are never threatened with these.
  • We do not use techniques intended to single out and humiliate individual children.
  • We only use physical restraint, such as holding, to prevent physical injury to children or adults and/or serious damage to property. Details of such events are brought to the attention of the nursery manager and are recorded in our Incident Book. A parent is informed on the same day and signs the incident book that he/she has been informed.
  • We do not shout or raise our voices in a threatening way to respond to children's behaviour.
  • We handle children's behaviour in ways which are appropriate to their ages and stages of development - for example by distraction, discussion or by withdrawing the child from the situation.
  • We work in partnership with children's parents. Parents are informed about their child's behaviour by their key person. We work with parents to address recurring unacceptable behaviour, using objective observation record to help us understand the cause and to decide jointly how to respond appropriately.

Bullying involves the persistent physical or verbal abuse of another child or children. We take bullying very seriously. If a child bullies another child or children:
  • We intervene to stop the child harming the other child or children.
  • We explain to the child doing the bullying why his/her behaviour is inappropriate.
  • We give reassurance to the child who has been bullied.
  • We help the child who has done the bullying to say sorry for his/her actions.
  • We make sure children who bully receive praise when they display acceptable behaviour.
  • We do not label children who bully.
  • When children bully, we discuss what has happened with their parents and work out with them a plan for handling the child?s behaviour.
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Child Protection Policy

When a child is observed to be injured or upset, withdrawn, angry or neglected in appearance or behaviour the child will be asked tactfully 'What happened to you or what is upsetting you' or similar and the answer listened to carefully and recorded.

The child will not be pushed for more detail. The member of staff who has observed the distressed child must report to their supervisor or the manager immediately and the child will be given comfort as required to ensure their condition does not deteriorate any further if at all possible.

If the supervisor has been advised by a member of staff of possible child abuse she must consider the situation and either reassure the member of staff with the benefit of her extra knowledge and experience, or if in any doubt of the possibility of child abuse, or if the member of staff is still worried, must report to the manager together with the member of staff. All staff must follow this up by reporting individually, in writing, what they have observed and what happened.

If the manager had been unaware of the situation or injury (not informed by the carer) and had not recorded it already, she will check the child herself and record her observations, together with the date observed. A staff witness will also sign the report.

On collection of the child the carer must be given the opportunity to say what has happened. If the carer of the child has perfectly reasonable explanation for a one-off injury or event no further action will be taken. If a substitute is sent to collect the child the manager must telephone the carer to enquire as to what has occurred.

If no explanation is offered, if there have been several recent less obvious problems producing a cumulative concern, if the explanation from the carer is not reasonable or if the child says that it happened in a different way to the extent that the manager is concerned, she will telephone the Child Protection Unit for formal advise, she will record the advise. Together they will decide the next action. This would normally be the advise given by the Child Protection Unit.

We would expect the Child Protection Unit to arrange a visit to the family to see the child is then found to be acceptable no further action will be taken. If the explanation leads them to suspect Child Abuse advise and support will be offered to improve the care of the child. The child will remain welcome at Planet Kids Day Nursery and the situation will be kept on a need to know basis.

Children on the Child Protection Register are welcome at Planet Kids Day Nursery

Due to the many hours of care we provide, staff will often be the first to sense that there is a problem. They may well be the first people to whom children confide about abuse.

This statement lays out the procedures that will be taken if we have any reason to believe that a child in our care is subject to either emotional, physical or sexual abuse or neglect.

Our responsibility is the welfare and well being of all children in our care. We believe we have a duty to the children, parents and staff to act quickly and responsibly in any instance that may come to our attention. The nursery has a duty to report any suspicions around abuse to the local authority who also have a duty to investigate such matters.

The nursery will follow the procedures set out in the local authority child protection documents and will seek their advise on all steps taken.

Physical abuse
Action will be taken under this heading if staff has reason to believe there has been a physical injury to the child, where there is definite knowledge or reasonable suspicion that the injury was inflicted or knowingly not prevented.
  • Any sign of a mark/injury to a child when they come into nursery will be recorded.
  • The incident will be discussed with the parent/carer.
  • All discussions will be recorded and the parent/caret will have access to such records.
  • If there appear to be any queries regarding the injury the child protection unit will be notified.
Sexual Abuse
Action will be taken under this heading if the staff have witnessed occasions where. a child has indicated sexual activity through words, play, drawing or had an excessive pre-occupation with sexual matters or had an inappropriate knowledge of adult sexual behaviour.
  • The observed instances will be reported to the manager.
  • The matter will be referred to the Local Authority.
Emotional Abuse
Action will be taken under this heading if the staff team have reason to believe that there is severe, adverse effect on the behaviour and emotional development of a child caused by persistent or severe ill treatment or rejection.
  • The concern will be discussed with the parent/carer.
  • Such discussion will be recorded and the parent/carer will have access to these records.
  • If there appear to be any queries regarding the circumstances, the matter will be referred to the local authority.
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